December was a difficult month for us as we had major problems with our web site. Our web site host’s computer system totally crashed and burned and we loss all of our web site design software and data. The host’s operation was completely down for almost a week and never fully recovered. We finally gave up on the host and contracted with a new provider. We are now back up and running but still have a few glitches to iron out. Essentially we had to completely reconstruct our software and reload all data.
Thank goodness we keep a complete updated backup file in cloud storage or we would really have been in a quandary.
Christmas was really good for the Schneiders this year. We had the entire family here for the holidays and all went well. No snow so far this year but plenty of water. Our area set an all time record for the amount of rain – as a result the St Louis area has a lot of flooded areas.
We have been acquiring some really good collections this year. We have quite a few very specialized collections on hand which will require a lot of work to organize and put on line. Just about all of these collections require photos so we will be adding to our web site steadily for several months.
This month we are mailing our Germany Part B price list which lists Germany from Scott 530 through 2864a – all issues through September 2015. We also have all 2015 year sets on hand and listed on our web site. We have all year sets mint and used on hand.

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We have just finished mailing all of the 2015 new issues We jumped the gun on the Germany new issues as the Post issued about ten stamps in December which were not on their stamp program. We didn’t receive the last 2015 new issue for Germany until 22 December.
If you would like to start a new issue service, we can supply anything that the posts of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein or Luxembourg issue. We tailor our new issue mailings to the needs of each customer. Most customers collect all of the issues listed by Scott catalogs as major catalog numbers as these will be the stamps that spaces are provided for in American made albums. Some of our customers use European albums and we can tailor our mailings to include issues that will appear in these albums too.
If you want to sign up for new issues, all you have to do is let us know which issues you want and we will send on approval via quarterly shipments. (We can also wait until of the end of each issuing year and send you new issues in one big batch. The yearly shipments have become very popular as you can put the stamps on anyone’s album pages for at least several months into the next year). No deposit is required. (We prefer though that you give is a MC/Visa/American Express account number and then we charge the issues as we ship them – it really simplifies our book keeping.)

Dr Ferchenbauer’s Austria Handbook.
We continue to maintain a small stock of the 2008 Ferchenbauer edition which is in 4 hardbound volumes and weighs 18 pounds. (That’s 3 times the weight of the 2000 edition.) There are about 2800 pages total – each page in color with images that are so true in quality that they can be reliably used by collectors to verify their own varieties. Essentially the catalogs list and describe all philatelic items created from 1850 through 1918 – stamps, covers and postal stationery. Prices are given for all items.

We are the sole US distributor for this handbook/catalog set. Again – we have a small supply of these catalogs on hand. The price of the set of 4 catalogs – delivered – is $360.00.
Due to the high shipping weight, we are offering the catalogs to US customers only.

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Our Price Lists

Over the years our customer orders have shifted from coming from our price lists to ordering directly from our web site. Nevertheless we continue to mail at least one price list every month. The printed price lists do contain many more items than are listed on our web site – especially singles form sets. We try to send you only those price lists that you want. Following are all of the price lists we publish. If there are any that we publish which you don’t receive but want, just let us know which additional lists you want.
➣Austria and related areas
➣Austria covers, cards and ganzsachen
➣Germany proper
➣German WWI and WWII occupations
➣German Private Posts
➣German Zusammendrucke
➣German Offices and Colonies
➣German States
➣German area covers and cards
➣Soviet Zone and Post War Locals
➣German Private Post
➣Year Groups
Keep in mind that we review our mailing lists often and try to limit our mailings to active collectors. If you have not made a purchase during the past year, your name may be deleted from our mailings. If you haven’t ordered anything in a long time but you still want our lists please let us know.
Contact us at:
R Schneider Stamps
PO Box 23049
Belleville IL 62223
Office 618 277 6152
FAX 618 277 1050
web site