About R Schneider Stamps
I started as a part time dealer specializing in German stamps when I was an Army officer serving in Germany in 1974. Because of my frequent moves, and often remote locations, with the military the only way I could do business then was via the post. I mailed my first price lists in 1975 and have been mailing them monthly ever since. As my business expanded I recruited my family members to help with the workload and for awhile had four of us busy with stamp work. My daughter Jill has stuck with me in the business and will continue the business when I no longer can.
I retired from the military in 1989 and converted from a part time dealer to full time dealer – which by then was mostly only an acknowledgment of the hours devoted to stamps which had vastly expanded over the previous fifteen years. Since becoming committed to stamp dealing full time we have expanded our inventory to include the four areas we now stock and assembled a particularly wide and deep stock of the German area – we have one of the very best stocks of the German area in the US.
As we originally set up our stock by sorting our stamps into stock books which worked perfectly for locating items for our mail order business and because our number of stock books grew into the hundreds, we discovered that rearranging our inventory to sell at stamp shows was not going to a doable task. We, therefore, stuck to selling via price lists and filling want lists. We established a web site in 2004 and our sales via the web site now are about triple our sales via our price lists – times change.
Having been in the stamp business now over 48 years we have been members of most of the recognized philatelic organizations which trade in the areas we stock. We also actively participated in some stamp organizations most notably the Liechtenstein Study Group and the Austria Philatelic Society(US). I founded the AUSPS and currently serve as the president and journal editor.
Our business objectives have always been to stock as complete an inventory as possible and to focus on meeting our customers needs. We have customers who have just started collecting in our areas and we have customers who are extremely advanced. We try very hard to help each of them with their needs. It has been our philosophy that if we keep our customers happy our business will prosper and so far it has worked!