Summer has been here since May. The weather man says we are on track for 70 plus 100 degree days this year (last year we had six 100 degree days). My garden is in distress – the tomato plants and green beans gave up and died. The grass is also struggling despite frequent watering. The peppers are still producing and I have a large number of new plants that I started for the second half of the growing season about ready to plant. Hopefully August and September will be cooler than June and July.

The good news is that stamp collectors are staying indoors and working on their collections. We have been busy filling orders and want lists. This month our major updates on our web site include our Saar listings – we have doubled the number of Saar items listed. We also updated our private post listings and which also doubled the number if items there. Lastly we have updated our Memel listings. If you collect any of these I’m sure you will find stamps that you still need.

Counting on my fingers and toes I just figured out that I have been selling stamps for an even fifty years. The first 20 years was as a part time dealers as I was still in the military. The last thirty years has been as a full time dealer. I am frequently asked when I will retire. The answer is when I fall over on my desk. I enjoy the job too much to quit. My daughter Jill also likes stamp dealing and will continue the business when I’m gone. She already handles about half of the business.

Have you noticed that the Euro is now valued almost the same as the US dollar. As of today the Euro is equal to $1.02. The decline of the Euro has made it mich cheaper for US collectors to buy German and Austrian stamps in European auctions.

Austria – Ferchenbauer Catalog

Ferchenbauer Handbook of Austria 1850-1918 – published in Austria in 2008 is the most complete catalog in the world of Austrian philately for the years covered. This handbook/catalog is published in four hardbound volumes and totals well over 2000 pages of information. This catalog includes everything philatelic pertaining to Austria during the years 1850-1918. It includes images of stamps and covers in the most accurate colors of any philatelic publication. One can identify shades accurately by comparing stamps to the handbook’s images!

Although in German, the catalog listings are easy to use because of the detailed descriptions and the clear images. (The Austria Philatelic Society (US) has translated a good portion of this catalog already.) This catalog is for more advanced collectors who are acquiring covers and cards, or collect the many varieties that exist among the early stamp issues

The Handbook is available in the US only from our firm. The price is $380 Postpaid. (We still have a few sets on hand.)


contact us:

R Schneider Stamps
PO Box 978
Iowa Park TX 76367

Office (618) 975 2099
Fax (940) 213 3596

