This is always the start of my favorite time of the year – the weather here is usually close to perfect until late November. With the kids in school – my favorite fishing spots have far fewer fisherman working them! Actually we have had a very mild summer in the mid-West. We had 1 day of 100 degree weather and many days with highs in the low 80’s. This was a wet summer but the rain was spread out evenly and everything remained green all summer. All in all little to complain about.
Also this summer has been very busy for us selling stamps, I have been grumbling that I can’t get my new stock sorted because I have been having a constant stream of orders to fill. You can tell that I like to sort stamps! Jill has been working on resorting my oldest stock books all summer. She takes the ones most over-stuffed and reorganizes the stamps in two , sometimes, three new stock books. In the process we are rediscovering many good items that we hidden under the piles of stamps.
Auction season started early this year with many of the bigger auction houses running auctions in August. We are seeing lots of better stamps and covers being offered in these auctions. Many better collections are coming on the market and are appearing as collections and often as singles in these auctions. Seldom seen stamps are appearing more frequently! We have not had time to analyze auction results yet, but based on what we have been bidding on we sense that there is more competition for good material than has been the case in the past several years. We have been bidding higher for the lots we really want and are not always successful. We are seeing almost all collection lots being sold in the majority of auctions. We will give a more detailed report on auctions in October or November.
We did finally get our German area Part III (Romania through Zara) price list updated. It is one of our longest lists and we had a lot of new stock that had to be sorted in order to update the list. There are a lot new Michel varieties added to the list. We are not yet sure which list will be updated for October – it will be a surprise for all!
Scott Vol V 2016
Volume V does not have many areas related to Austria or Germany but here are the changes we found.
Poland had few price changes among the major items but did have quite a few increases on among the lesser items.
N94a-96a ** was $4 now $7
NB12-14** was $1.60 now $2.10 U was $3.30 now $4.20
NB36-40 U was $3.25 now $6.90
NB41 U was $25 now $35.
All Port Gdansk stamps showed increases.
1K1-11** was $216 now $300
1K13 was $75 now $165
1K19 ** was $30 now $55, * was $15 now $20, U was $30 now $32.50
Romania and Saar showed no prices changes of any kind.
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