October 2015
September was another good sales month – apparently the start of the fall collecting season. It was also a good buying month for us and we have added some very good material to our inventory. Keep an eye on our web site listings as we are adding a lot of our acquisitions on our site.
Werner Zielniewicz let us know that Michel is in the process of updating it English version of Volume II of their Germany Specialized catalog. The English version of Volume II contains a different mix of coverage than does the German version. Volume II will cover German WWII occupation issues, the post was Soviet Zone and post war local issues, and also the allied zones after the war. This edition will be the first revision of the English version since the initial issue 8 years ago. The revised edition is scheduled for release 9 October and will be priced about $100 each.
This month we updated our German states Part II price list which covers Hamburg through Wurttemberg. There are lots of new issues added to this list and Wurttemberg is exceptionally strong. Next month we will update German states part I which will include all of the rest of the German states.
Scott Vol VI 2016
Volume VI includes very few areas related to Austria or Germany and this year’s issue has almost no price changes for Austria and Germany related areas.
Poland had few price changes among the major items but did have quite a few increases on among the lesser items.
Serbia and Slovakia have no price changes this year.
Togo has a few changes.
1-6 U decreases from $147 to $134
7-19 U decreases from $851 to $680.
The British and French occupation issues show a few price increases
45 U increases from $950 to $12,000
Upper Silesia has one price change
32-34** from $650 to $700.
Western Ukraine shows no price changes.
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