What’s New…
For March we revised our Danzig listings and added many new items to the Feldpost and WWII occupation listings.
Our treasure boxes have been selling well this year but we have many more Treasure boxes ready to post for those that like to sort through piles of stamps.
Keep in mind that we will also fill your want lists. If you need singles not listed individually on our lists we will still supply them at prorated prices. Just add your needed stamps in the remarks section of your order and we will do our best to add them to your order. You can also send us want lists via email.
We have extensive year group listings to our stamps for sale page. Our year groups are complete year sets as listed by Scott catalog primary numbers. Years groups for Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg are included. The year group icon is at the bottom left of the home page!
We are specialists selling stamps and covers from the Austrian and German areas. We also stock stamps from Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. We have extensive price lists for all of these areas. Let us know what you collect and we will send you all of our price lists for those areas – free. We are also able to fill your want lists for single stamps that you need to complete sets. I should mention that most of the Michel listed varieties are listed on our web site before they reach our printed lists.