Welcome to R. Schneider Stamps

We are a full time philatelic business specializing in the German and Austrian areas and we stock just about everything related to these two areas. We also stock the stamps of Luxembourg and limited quantities of Liechtenstein. We list stamps by Scott numbers and include a great many Michel varieties.

We have been in the stamp business for over 48 years and pride ourselves on providing personalized service at reasonable prices!

We have stamps for everyone, from beginning stamp collectors to advanced stamp collectors.

If you collect German, Austrian, Liechtenstein or Luxembourg stamps you have come to the right place.

Search for stamps using the navigation links on the left of this page. Be sure to read our Terms page which also explains all of the abbreviations we use in describing the listed stamps.

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Our Latest News


We just returned from our first show in Oklahoma - We are closer to Oklahoma City than to Dallas. We met a lot of collectors for the first time as well as some fine dealers from this area. Still the work of setting up for a show has [...]

June Newsletter

This month completes our first year back in Texas. It has been a busy year - our stamp business has increased substantially in this past year and I very much need my daughter Jill’s help to keep up. Spring is about over here- we are getting into summer [...]


We have now been in our new home in Texas for one year - and are just about organized. There are still some items that we can not locate - a couple of our stock books have not yet reappeared and our reference library is far from organized. [...]


Spring has really arrived in northern Texas. Our last freezing weather was in mid-March. The trees and grass are green again and my garden plants are up and growing! The big difference between Illinois and Texas weather is that we have blue skies here almost every day - [...]

March 2019

Winter is just about over in North central Texas - we are having highs in the mid-50's to mid 60's now and the trees and plants are greening again. Watching the weather in other areas of our country I am congratulating myself on last year’s move from Illinois. [...]


2018 has been a really, really busy year for the Schneiders. Our move from Illinois was a bear after 30 years in the same house. The good news is that we love our new house and our location in Texas. Our business sales were our highest ever so [...]